Sunday, September 22, 2019

Translation and assisted setup modules in Dynamics 365 Business Central get improvements

Last month, Microsoft revamped Dynamics NAV as a more modular solution, converting it to Dynamics 365 Business Central. The service was updated a few days ago to introduce new tools for data classification. Now, Business Central is getting improvements for both its translation module and its assisted setup module.
For those unaware, the translation module allows the adding and modification of language translations for user data. For example, this could be useful when selling items or explaining standard operating procedures in other regions. On the other hand, the assisted setup module holds all Business Central setup guides in one place, providing detailed guidance for the setting up of complex features.
Now, a new capability to identify fields for which to enable translations has been added in the former module. After this process, a calculated "Value" field can be displayed on the page to actually show the translated part. Notably, translations can only be added for persisted records on the database, not temporary ones.
As far as the assisted setup module is concerned, it now contains all assisted setup capabilities that were previously present in the Business Central service. Furthermore, discoverability of other guides is also being made easier; in case your extension used a guide to provide setup assistance, you can add that guide to this module.

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