Wednesday, October 9, 2013

How to use Siri to access App Settings in iOS 7 [Video]

One of the coolest Siri features in iOS 7 is the ability to turn on or turn off settings and features using voice commands.
However, one Siri features that has gone unnoticed is the ability to open Settings panel for app using voice commands.
So while you’re in an app, if you say “Open Settings,” it will open the Settings panel for the app.
Alternatively, you can also say, “Open Settings” or “Open Settings for ”, for example “Open Safari Settings” or just say “Open Settings for Safari” and it open the Settings panel for Safari.
This is quite neat as it saves you the trouble of launching the Settings app and navigating to the settings for an app.
You can also open Settings for features like Notification Center, Control Center, Privacy, Sound etc. You can also open settings for sub-menu items like Location Services which is under Privacy.
If you ask Siri to open settings for an app that does not have settings, it will inform you that “it can’t change settings for the app” or sometimes erroneously tells you “it doesn’t look like you have that app.”
You can do this even from the Lock screen, however, you will need to unlock the device to access the Settings.

Here’s a video to see the new iOS 7 Siri feature in action:
In case, you’ve been using iOS 7 betas, then you probably aware of this feature as it has been there since first beta version of iOS 7.


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