Monday, May 7, 2012

iCleaner – Clean All Unnecessary Data From Your iOS Device, Remove Junk Files

We all use our iPhones every second of every day for many different useful things. The iOS like any other operating systems keeps caches and many temp files on the device which results in having huge and valuable amount of your storage wasted on unnecessary old files. This new app called iCleaner, which has been updated recently, offers you the ability to get rid of all the unnecessary files on your system and free more space on your iPhone or iPad. So it basically cleans up your iOS device of junk files.


This app got the ability to give you more help than you can imagine, some times all you need is 2 or 4 more gigs of free space on your iPhone to add a few more extra stuff. Then all you need to do is to clean up that junk data on your device, in order to give more space for cool stuff on your iPhone.

The total list unnecessary junk file being removed by the clean up process :

Safari: it deletes cookies, browsing history and cache files to free up memory and preserve your privacy.

Applications: it scans /var/mobile/Applications and /Applications for unnecessary WebClip caches, cookies, temporary files and snapshots.
Furthermore, it detects known applications for a more in-depth cleanup. At the moment, iCleaner detects the following apps: Facebook, Facebook Messenger, iCabMobile, iFile, Instagram, Installous, Skyfire and Twitter.
More apps will be added in future releases. User login data, useful cookies and other relevant files are left untouched. iCleaner only removes the unnecessary.

Log files: it deletes apps log files and crash reports from known locations. These files are generally irrelevant to the user and can be safely deleted.

Cache files: it scans and deletes system cache files and databases. Some of them are rebuilt upon respring. This helps removing obsolete cache data.

Temporary files: it deletes temporary files from your device. These files are meant to be removed automatically, but they often happen not to. iCleaner takes care of that.
Apt partial files: it deletes partially downloaded Cydia packages and repo files.

Filetype cleanup: iCleaner features a custom cleanup pass based on file extensions. By default, it looks for .log files all over the directory tree.
You might want to add more extensions (such as .bak or .old), but remember to use this with caution! Filetypes can be configured in the “Settings” section of the terminal script.

iCleaner is available now on Cydia via the BigBoss repository for Free.

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PlEaSe DoNt FoRgEt 2 CoMmEnT