Thursday, March 22, 2012

iPhone 5 To Feature 4.6-inch Display (RUMOR)

The entire rumors about iPad 3 are over now, but the rumors about the next [iPhone 5 or the new iPhone] will just begin. these news are coming straight from Reuters that Apple’s upcoming iPhone will feature a 4.6-inch display.

a lot of rumors talked about iPhone’s next generation screen size claimed just 4-inch not 4.6-inch. But we have seen Android’s devises using 4-inch screen size like Samsung Galaxy S II.
We have a picture (via TheVrege) showing the Galaxy Nexus with 4.65-inch screen size VS. iPhone 4S with 3.5 inch screen size.

Apple has decided on the bigger 4.6-inch display for its next iPhone and started placing orders to its suppliers, the Maeil Business Newspaper said, quoting an unnamed industry source.
We’re all excited to get our hands on the next generation whether it’s named iPhone 5 or the new iPhone but with a 4.6-inch screen size.

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