As with all the developer builds, iOS 5 GM is only available for registered developers only. Precisely, only members enrolled in the iPhone Developer Standard or Enterprise Program can access these bits of by signing into iOS Dev Center. But if you are not a developer don't worry, you will find direct download links of iOS 5 GM ipsw files at the end of the post.
What does GM (Gold Master) mean ?
The final beta version of a program that is ready to be released to the public. The entire goal of the beta process is to arrive at the gold master candidate. Once it is tested successfully, it becomes the gold master and is shipped out to be duplicated (if it’s a CD or floppy) and/or uploaded to the Web. The process of creating the gold master is often referred to as “going gold,” or you could say that certain software “went gold” when the golden master was released.
Here's the history of the released bits of iOS 5:
Apple has released 7 beta versions of iOS 5 that unveiled most of the new features of the revolutionary iOS 5 firmware.
- iOS 5.0 beta 1 on June 6th.
- iOS 5.0 beta 2 on June 24th
- iOS 5.0 beta 3 on July 11th
- iOS 5.0 beta 4 on July 22th
- iOS 5.0 beta 5 on August 6th
- iOS 5.0 beta 6 on August 19th
- iOS 5.0 beta 7 on August 51st
Download iOS 5 GM ipsw firmware [Direct Links] :
- Download iOS 5 iPhone 4S
- Download iOS 5 iPhone 4 (GSM)
- Download iOS 5 iPhone 4 (Verizon)
- Download iOS 5 iPhone 3GS
- Download iOS 5 iPad 2 WiFi
- Download iOS 5 iPad 2 GSM
- Download iOS 5 iPad 2 CDMA
- Download iOS 5 iPad
- Download iOS 5 iPod touch 3G
- Download iOS 5 iPod touch 4G
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