Saturday, August 20, 2011

Member of Anonymous Hackers Group reveals himself

The Anonymous hacker group has been busy in the last several months. The group has received a lot of media attention for its various attacks on web sites and its anti security (AntiSec) views (you know you have hit the big time when The Daily Show makes fun of you). But one member of the group has apparently had enough of its antics and has decided to not only call it quits but to denounce the leaders of his group for their decisions and actions. reports that the person previously known by his handle "SparkyBlaze" has now gone public as a UK-based resident named Matthew. In his first message as an ex-Anonymous member, which was posted over at, he says, "Over The Past Few Months Things Inside Anon Have Changed. I Am Mostly Talking About AntiSec And LulzSec. They Both Go Against What I Stand For (And What Anonymous Says They Stand For)."
LulzSec is the name of another hacker group that for 50 days essentially ripped through the Internet, attacking both government and business web site and also releasing lots of personal data from some of those attacks. Anonymous has done the same in the past year. But Matthew believes that these actions are not what these groups should be about. He says, "AntiSec Has Released Gig After Gig Of Innocent Peoples Information. For What? What Did They Do? Does Anon Have The Right To Remove The Anonymity Of Innocent People? They Are Always Talking About Peoples Right To Remain Anonymous So Why Are They Removing That Right?"
It looks like Anonymous has already disavowed Matthew as one of its known members, "Commander X", has posted up word that Matthew has been disloyal to Anonymous. However the group hasn't commented on Matthew's actual comments.
 contain from neowin 

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